ASDA Token Scheme for Raising Allotment Funds.pdf (187709)
Shared Water Stories. DRY Project. Saturaday 29th April 2017 at Pretoria Road Allotment Building at 10.30am to 1.30pm
04/10/2017 09:09
Shared Water Stories. DRY Project.Growpretoria Allotment Site.[23307].pdf (55140)
Pretoria Allotment Easter Fun Day held on Saturday 08th April 2017.Donations kindly given by Flingers, Tesco's & Morrisson's
04/04/2017 21:48
Allotment Easter Fun Day. 08.04.2017.pptx (703685)
Inspection of Plot's
03/24/2017 20:41
Inspection of Plots.pdf (163238)
Drought Risk and You (DRY) project meeting at Allotment Site on Saturday 29th April 2017 at 10.30am
03/19/2017 16:55
Drought Risk and You (DRY) project meeting at Allotment Site on Saturday 29th April 2017 at 10.30am.docx (1200862)
GrowPretoria Patchway Allotment Society.pdf (241303)
ASDA Token Scheme for Raising Allotment Funds.pdf (179180)
Newsletter January - 2017
01/29/2017 15:29
Pretoria Road Allotments Newsletter January 2017 .pdf (492434)
Seed exchange poster..pdf (141071)
Notice of Allotment Bonfire on 05 November 2016 at 6.00pm
10/01/2016 13:40
Notice of Allotment Bonfire Night 05 November 2016.pdf (25792)
Items: 61 - 70 of 90